Job Title: Floor Supervisor
Department: Production
Supervisor Title: Manager Production
Responsibilities / Authority:
Supervise all production floor processes from: raw material stocking, production plan, work assignments, work order processing per instructions, material flow, work place layout, safety, accuracy, productivity, cleanliness, etc.
- Document employee attendance/hours
- Compliance to work rules
- Provide disciplinary action when needed
- Make hire/fire decisions for production employees as necessary
- Assist in all areas of shop process when and where necessary
- Communicate and coordinate with others outside of Feblo as appropriate
- Conduct employee meetings related to shop operation
- Communicate with Manager, Inventory Analyst, QC Supervisor, Receiving/Shipping as needed
- Adhere, support and enforce all Company policies, rules, safety
- Available to support after hours and special supervisory needs
Skills / Training / Education / Experience required:
- Experience and knowledge of warehouse and shop processes for every work station and job assignment
- Organizational skills and multi-tasking ability
- Good people and leadership skills
- Fork lift license, computer skills, Reading/writing/basic math skills
- On the job training with 3 months supervision probation
Performance measurable :
- Labor efficiency as measured by work stations producing to rate and total hours worked vs productive hours.
- Pieces produced vs weekly production plan
- Employee compliance to attendance, break times and Company policies
- Quantity of reject pieces caused by operators
- Number of quality spills from production stations to shippable stock
- Status of cleanliness and work place layout
- Number of safety violations
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